Wildwood Lego Contest
Date(s) - Friday, January 17 / Saturday, January 18
4:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Wildwood Community Large Hall
Category(ies) No Categories
Categories are:
- Breathtaking Buildings
- Cool Scenes
- Family & Community
- Vroom Vroom Vehicles
- Your Own Creation.
Age categories are:
- Age 4 and under
- Age 5-6
- Age 7-8
- Age 9-10
- Age 11-12
- Age 13-18
Cost is $7.00/entry ($5.00 with a valid Wildwood Community Association membership) to be paid at drop off.
1) Entry must be your own, original creation
2) Each participant can enter up to 2 categories
3) Team entries are permitted. Each team member needs to pay the registration fee, and the age category is based on the age of the oldest team member.
To register, visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/wildwood-2020-lego-contest-tickets-86416037695?utm_term=eventurl_text