Outdoor Series-Fall Program from Calgary Recreation
- The program is offering an outdoor skills program, with a unique focus on recreation skills, nature education & leadership
- Two programs have been developed to reach Ages 5 – 9yr & 10-17yr
- Programs will run in all forms of weather
- 4-week mini session
- Confederation Park Golf Course
- South Glenmore Park
- Shouldice Aquatic Centre
- Maple Ridge Golf Course
Programs begin on November 14th, 2020.
Registration is now open.
Register for programs by calling 403-268-3800 or online at Calgary.ca/liveandplay.
For more information, please contact:
Zoe Flowers-Reitsma: 403-648-6576, zoe.flowers-reitsma@calgary.ca
Jen Smith: 403-366-3935, jen.smith@calgary.ca