Wildwood is an outstanding community to live in – and we truly are a community where neighbours not only know their neighbours, but they help out in the community!
Happier volunteers – many hands make light work, as they say. The more Wildwoodians that step up to help out, the easier it will be to continue the many great programs in the community! Without the volunteers that coordinate and give their time and efforts to events and programs in the neighbourhood, we wouldn’t live in such an engaging and fun Wildwood.
If you are a current volunteer, or would like to join the volunteering team to help out at events, please contact info@mywildwood.ca.
Below you can find a list of vacancies at the Wildwood Community Association. Please note that these are volunteer positions (no remuneration is payable). If you would like more information about any of the roles, or to submit your interest, please contact info@mywildwood.ca (unless otherwise stated).
Vice President – If you have an interest in the Community Association and would like to take a leadership position on the Board please consider the Vice President position. The duties are varied based on the need to support the President, so you will see all aspects of the community association. This is an elected position on the Board.
Volunteer Director– The Volunteer Coordinator helps the Events Coordinator identify the volunteer requirements for each of the events running throughout the year. This position does not require more than a few hours per month. In short, the Job entails knowing what volunteers are required for events, recruiting those volunteers using available tools and information then inviting them to the Volunteer Appreciation Party!
Sports & Programs Director – Do you love Community run soccer and yoga programs? Learn to Skate or Tennis lessons? This individual is passionate about programs and acts as liaison with all coordinators of the various community-sponsored programs to ensure programs are running smoothly
Community Advocacy Director: Maintains awareness and knowledge of local issues and works with regulators/government to impact proposed changes. Engages community residents as required.
Warbler Editors (2): Creating and curating content supplied by the WCA board and the City of Calgary plus local community groups into a monthly newsletter. It is a monthly commitment to making one of Calgary’s last community run newsletters that is delivered by an army of volunteers to every home in Wildwood. This role is, ideally, divided by 2 individuals who are passionate about communicating news and information to the community of Wildwood.
Advertising Coordinator—Help local businesses get their names into 1200 homes every month for pennies! Our Advertising Coordinator fields inquiries on advertisements published in the Wildwood Warbler and on the website. They book ads and collect payment to give to the Treasurer. No previous experience in a similar role necessary.
Soccer Coordinator: Do you love community run soccer for elementary aged children? This vital program to our community is in need of a new coordinator for 2024! The role includes booking fields, organizing registration/teams, coordinating volunteers and ordering shirts/metals. Without a volunteer this program will not run in 2024.
Tennis Coordinator: We are in need of a 2023 Tennis Coordinator to organize lessons and camps for the season. This individual loves tennis and is interested in bringing a community run program to Wildwood. Without a coordinator there will be no lessons or camps for 2023.
NEW OPPORTUNITIES! We are starting to create more committees to get things done, here are two committees to consider joining:
Capital Lifecycle Committee – With likeminded volunteers, help to oversee maintenance of community property by implementing the Capital Lifecycle Report. The report is already completed and ready to implement! The committee will look at what is required in the next 1-2 years and make a plan for implementation. Actual project execution to be carried out by contractors. Commitment: 1-2 hours for initial meeting, 1-hour meetings every 1-2 months for 6 months. Total time commitment: 6-10 hours over 6 months. We are looking for 5 individuals.
Development & Advocacy Committee – the WCA has created a Development Committee, made up of community residents to be the first point of contact for all development & advocacy issues that occur within our community boundaries and other issues that could affect our community. We are looking for 4-10 people to be engaged with our community and city.
Learn to Skate Co-Coordinator – We are looking for someone to help out with the Learn To Skate program, primarily handling communication with registrants and with the coach. We have another volunteer getting the program set up. Please contact programs@mywildwood.ca