Water Spiral Workshop

Date(s) - Saturday, June 7
11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Wildwood Community Centre

Category(ies) No Categories

Our artist team will guide participants of all ages to create their own recycled sculptural art work! We’ll have tons of fun making vessels and watering cans that will be used with the Water Spiral and its hand pump when installed.

If you are curious about sculpture, recycling, design, building, eco-friendly art, or just hanging out with artists or neighbours, please come by! Michelena will also be collecting the written wishes and intentions for the community water cistern that will be embedded underground, forever spreading the love into our rain-harvested water and earth!

Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to this monumental community event and share in the special prizes, t-shirts, and festive healthy treats. The film crew at Fresh Water Creative, our Alderman Evan Woolley, and other media and guests will also be present for this fabulous spring event!
Please note this event is timed to be a pre-party offering for those heading to the Wildwood Family BBQ happening from 3 – 8pm (see p.13 for more details). So bring the kids, grandma, neighbours, and get creative with us and then head down to Edworthy Park to continue the family fun!