Traffic Safety
Current Steps being taken to keep Wildwood Safe:
Fall 2022 Update:
- August 29th we did a speed study (City Mobility Safety, a Police Officer, and me). We all had radar guns. In one hour, we measured the speed of approximately 150 vehicles, the majority of which were traveling at 30 – 34 kms/hour (in the playground zones). We were happy with the results of the study. I’m trying to have another speed study done when school is in.
- Out the speed study came talk about “Paint the Pavement” at the intersection of 45th St and Spruce Dr. The Mobility Safety gentlemen were in favour of it!
- Recently we met with the Wildwood School Traffic & Safety committee. More good news, they have the same concerns as most Wildwood residents. Action items include the following:
- AMA sponsored cross-walk patrols will start again at 45th St and Spruce Dr.
- Designated drop-off and pick-up zones.
- Jaywalking prevention.
- The school is excited about the “Paint the Pavement” project. They also want 45th St by the crosswalk at 5th Ave painted, as well as further east on 5th Ave.
Spring 2022 Update:
- In June 2022 there was a City Speed Trailer (stand alone speed warning) on Spruce Dr. We will investigate if the trailer provided data of the speed of vehicles.
- Improvements to the intersection of 45th St and Windermere Rd: a crosswalk will be painted onto the road and some kind of “bump out” to slow traffic.
- Numerous concerns have been expressed, and reported to the City, about the following:
- Speed of vehicles on Spruce Dr
- The intersection of 45th St and Spruce Dr
- The playground zone on Spruce Dr. should be extended east
- The current Wildwood Traffic committee continues our work with communications with Richard Pootmans (Ward 6 Councillor) and his assistant, Ralph Smith.
- If you have Wildwood Traffic concerns, please contact Richard Pootmans – https://cocooc.microsoftcrmportals.com/comment/?ward=6 and Ralph Smith- caward6@calgary.ca
- Please fill out an online Traffic Service Request – www.calgary.ca/cps/traffic/traffic-reporting.html which would help draw the attention of Calgary Police to Wildwood Traffic concerns. Calgary Police will investigate our concerns if they receive numerous complaints about the same intersection or stretch of road. Involving Calgary Police helps validate our requests, especially if they see repeated offenses.
Action Items to be Happening
- 45th St and Windermere Rd … a crosswalk will be painted onto the road and some kind of “bump outs.”
- A speed trailer sign will be put on Spruce Dr between 45th St and the end of the Playground Zone going east. I’m assuming it will be for east bound traffic. It will be put in place in spring (when the weather is more consistently warm).
It is advantageous to contact our Ward 6 Councillor Richard Pootmans about traffic concerns: https://cocooc.microsoftcrmportals.com/comment/?ward=6. In addition, if you see anything that concerns you regarding traffic, crosswalks, pedestrians, cyclists, speeding, etc it can help to call 311 to file a concern with the City, or use the 311 app. Finally, you can also submit a Traffic Service Request to report an ongoing traffic concern with Calgary Police: https://www.coplogic.ca/dors/en/filing/showprefilingquestion?dynparam=1653767285462.
History of Wildwood Traffic Safety (updated May 2022)
- May 2014 – Meeting with Counselor Evan Woolley:
- traffic circle was discussed for Spruce Dr and 45th St.
- February 2014 – Letter written to Wildwood residents from Wildwood Traffic Committee
- Traffic calming research indicates 4-way stop intersections do not reduce speed on streets.
- The Traffic Committee is pursuing a traffic circle at 45th St and Spruce Dr.
- October 2013 – E-mail from Nick Wilsher, Calgary Police, accidents in Wildwood between June and Sept 2013
- 8 collisions total
- 3 collisions involving a vehicle and a cyclist
- 5 collisions – 2 Edworthy Park, 2 at Spruce Dr & 45th St, 1 on Wildwood Dr,
- August/September 2013 – Nathanael Carswell (Transportation Engineer & Planning, City of Calgary) – results of car counting studies.
- Location 1 – Windermere Rd – 1500 vehicles on weekdays and 1650 on weekend. Average speed = 40 km/h
- Location 2 – 45th St south of Spruce Dr – 2500 vehicles. Average speed in both directions = 40 km/h, in a playground/school zone. “… rank this is the most serious of the three locations.”
- Location 3 – 45th St north of Spruce Dr – 884 vehicles. Average speed = 48 km/h
- June 2013 – Meeting with Alderman John Mar
- Traffic circle at Spruce Dr and 45th St – John Mar “ … this is a big one in my mind … get this intersection fixed …”
- September 10, 2012 – SLOW sign erected on Spruce Dr and White Oak, in playground zone.
- June 2012 – Community Traffic Issue Reporting Form submitted to the City.
- Vehicles traveling too fast on Spruce Dr from Windermere Rd to 37th St.
- Vehicles traveling too fast on Windermere Rd.
Most Common Concerns/Suggestions about Traffic from Wildwood Residents
- The speed of vehicles traveling on Spruce Dr (east and west) between Windermere Rd and 37th St, specifically in the playground zones.
- The speed of vehicles traveling on Windermere Rd (east and west) between 45th Street and Spruce Dr.
- Vehicles not stopping for pedestrians at 45th St and Spruce Dr.
- The playground zone on Spruce Dr. should be extended east, past the tennis courts to Wedgwood and a painted crosswalk from Wedgwood to 4411 Spruce Dr.
Suggestions for Gathering Objective Information about Traffic in Wildwood
- A “Traffic Speed Study” done on Spruce Dr between Windermere Rd and 37th St, and specifically in Playground Zones, east and west.
- A “Traffic Speed Study” done on Windermere Rd between 45th St and Spruce Dr, going east and west.
- Ask the Roads Department what they recommend to make the intersection of 45th St and Spruce Dr safer for pedestrians.
- I will be working with Ralph Smith, Richard Pootmans Assistant, to get his help in communicating with the Roads Department.